Topic: What do we know about our graduates? - Graduate analyses for forest sciences and related curricula
May 15th till May 17th 2008
University of Copenhagen
Field trip: "Learning and Teaching in the Forest", Danish Forestry College, Fredensborg.
Looking back we find that in many countries numbers of forestry graduates seem to have matched the needs of employment in the forestry sector for long time. Probably nobody can prove this, and surely the situation in different countries was very different.
The situation in the 1990s has been reviewed by Lewark, Pettenella & Saastamoinen (1998). The authors had experienced difficulties in doing this, as only in a few cases data were just ready to take, and definitely there was no standardized way of assessment and presentation. Also it is notable, that the available data have been collected by universities in some cases, associations in others. And there were few cases where real specialists did surveys of the whereabouts of graduates in a regular manner.
Meanwhile the methods of graduate analysis have been developed further and standardized procedures would be possible, but this would need cooperation and agreements between universities. The graduate surveys in the field of higher forestry education in Europe have been mostly stand-alone events, even if the advantages of comparable approaches and data are obvious. Presently in Silva Network we try to lay ground to coordinated approaches of graduate analyses in higher forestry education in Europe.
An important step on this way is the knowledge of what has been done and what is going on – what do we, the universities, know about our graduates? Let us at the annual conference in Copenhagen collect and present the experiences and discuss possible ways ahead.
Read more: Full Announcment
Programme of paper sessions
Keynote speech
Niels Elers Koch: Forest educations in a changing world (Download PDF)
Session 1
Niels Strange & Charlotte Jacobsen: Organisational matters
Siegfried Lewark: Overview of graduate analysis (Forest Sciences) in Germany (Download PDF)
Peter Schmidt and Marian Bos-Boers: Changes in the job market for university forestry education in the Netherlands (Download PDF)
Session 2
Vilis Brukas et al.: Career pathways of graduates from an international MSc programme Euroforester (Download PDF)
Sylvain Dupire: The IFSA enquiry on Forestry Education and Evolution (Download PDF)
Session 3
Hanno Langfelder & Johannes Rahlf: Employability – the unknown goal of students and universities? (Download PDF)
Fernando García Robredo: Forestry graduates from the Technical University of Madrid: present situation and future perspectives (Download PDF)
Mario Pividori: Monitoring of job placement opportunities at the University of Padua (Download PDF)
Werner Grosse: Selective results of a graduate analyses at the TU Dresden, Faculty of Geo, Forest and Hydro sciences in 2005, graduate age-groups 2000/2001 – 2003/2004 (Download PDF)
Javier Arevalo et al: Experiences of MSc European Forestry Erasmus Mundus participants in the labour market (Download PDF)
Session 4
Sandra Steinert: Occupation after studying forest sciences in Germany (Download PDF)
Outi Orenius: The foresters’ union graduate survey in Finland (Download PDF)
Reiner Mühlsiegl: Introduction to a cooperation project of German universities (Download PDF)
Martin Ziesak and Gerhard Mülller-Starck: What do we do for our graduates? (Download PDF)
Read more: List of Participants
Read more: Full Programme