"Development of forest sciences curricula in Europe"
November 3rd till November 8th 2009
On behalf of the SILVA Network, the Faculty of Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, hosted a conference on Forestry education.
Session 1
Trends of development of forest sciences curricula in Europe
Moderators: Pieter Schmidt and Michael Karteris
Siegfried Lewark: Development of forest sciences curricula in Europe pdf
Pavlos N. Efthymiou: Education in Forest Sciences 2000+: Generalist or Specialist?
Session 2
Development of forest sciences curricula in Central Europe and the Baltic
Moderators: Florent Kaiser and Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos
Vaike Reisner and Hardi Tullus: Seven year experiences in Estonian higher forestry education according to Bologna Declaration pdf
Werner Grosse: Topical structure and first results of the Forest Sciences Curricula at the Technische Universität Dresden pdf
Olga Shaytarova: FORPEC an innovative Master programme in forest policy and economics pdf
Session 3
Development of forest sciences curricula in Central Europe and Mediterranean countries
Moderators: Gerhard Müller-Starck and Elias Voulgaridis
F.A. Aravanopoulos and A. Christodoulou: The undergraduate studies program of the Faculty of Forestry and Natural Environment Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki: Current status and future perspectives pdf
Rosario Fanlo, J.A. Bonet and C. Vega: Spanish Forestry Degrees: sailing between two seas pdf
Markus Schaller and Martin Ziesak: Bologna - The Third Cycle "Round Table" – Discussion
Session 4
Curriculum development beyond Europe and beyond forest sciences
Moderators: Eduardo Rochas-Briales and Filippos Aravanopoulos
Simon Heath: ICA: recent developments and ambitions
Siegfried Lewark: E-learning in forest sciences worldwide – demand and perspectives pdf
Florent Kaiser: IFSA's Global Action Plan for Forestry Education (GAPFE) pdf
Session 5
Curriculum development and labour markets as seen by networks
Moderators: Reiner Mühlsiegl and Olga Shaytarova
Antonio Notario Gómez and Fernardo Garcia-Robredo: Conference of Deans and Directors of European Forestry Faculties and Schools (ConDDEFFS): Projects of a new European network and potential for cooperation with SILVA Network pdf
Javier Arevalo and Sari Pitkänen: Exploring the possible gaps between forestry education and labour in Europe pdf
Eduardo Rochas-Briales: Survey of Forestry M.Sc. Graduates of the Polytechnic University of Valencia pdf
Hanno Langfelder: Case study Bavaria: Survey results of regional forest and wood enterprises
Session 6
Moderators: Siegfried Lewark and Pavlos N. Efthymiou
Siegfried Lewark and Pieter Schmidt: Conference results: Development of forest sciences curricula in Europe
Gerhard Müller-Starck and Siegfried Lewark: Possible future hot spots of the SILVA Network
1st announcement pdf
Programme pdf overview
Programme pdf detailed
- Aravanopoulos, F.A.; Christodoulou, A.: The undergraduate studies program of the Faculty of Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: current status and future perspectives
- Arevalo, Javier; Pitkänen, Sari: Exploring the possible gaps between forestry education and labour market in Europe
- Fanlo, R.; Bonet, J.A.; and Vega, C.: Spanish Forestry Degrees: sailing between two seas
- Grosse, Werner; Wagner, Sven; Bonn, Stephan: Topical structure and first results of the Forest Sciences Curricula
- Langfelder, Hanno: Entering the job market - results from an employer and employee survey
- Rojas Briales, Eduardo: Survey of Forestry MSc. Graduates of the Politytechnical University of Valencia
- Tullus, Hardi; Reisner, Vaike: Seven years experiences in Estonian higher forestry education according to Bologna Declaration
Conference Hotel: Map pdf
Siegfried Lewark (Freiburg, president of SILVA Network):
Paul N. Efthymiou (Thessaloniki, local host):
Reiner Mühlsiegl (Freiburg, secretary general of SILVA Network):